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FIFA memberi batas waktu hingga 29 mei 2015

FIFA akhirnya menetapkan 29 Mei sebagai deadline bagi PSSI dan Kemenpora untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada saat ini.FIFA memberi batas waktu hingga 29 mei 2015 agar perseteruan PSSI vs Menpora segera berakhir.

Kalau kisruh tak kunjung kelar hingga tanggal tersebut, maka badan tertinggi sepakbola dunia tersebut siap menjatuhkan sanksi kepada Indonesia.

Dalam surat balasan kepada Pelaksana Tugas Sekjen PSSI, Azwan Karim, FIFA, yang sebelumnya telah menegaskan sikap untuk menentang segala bentuk intervensi terhadap anggotanya, kembali menyatakan posisi serupa, dan kali ini mereka menekankan tak akan segan-segan mengambil tindakan berupa penjatuhan suspensi kalau situasi terus berlangsung sampai batas waktu yang telah ditentukan.

Berikut ini isi lengkap surat FIFA yang ditandatangani oleh Sekretaris Jenderal Jerome Valcke.

Dear Acting General Secretary,

We refer to your correspondence dated 22 April 201 5, as well your updates dated 27 and 30 April 201 5. Your correspondences informed us that MENPORA decided that: a transitional committee would be establish to “take over the functions” of Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI); the functions of the Indonesian national team would be assigned to the Indonesian National Committee of Sports (KONI) and the Olympic Committee of Indonesia (KOI); and all PSSI competitions would be assigned to KONI and KOl. Your correspondence was confirmed by MENPORA’s correspondence to us dated 22 April 2015.

In the above regard, we remind you that on 19 February 2015, PSSI was informed of our grave concern regarding certain actions taken by MENPORA and KONI, particularly given the circumstances that had dogged Indonesian football for much of the 2010 to 2013 period. In the same correspondence, we also informed PSSI that we will not hesitate in taking swift and decisive action in order to prevent any forms of interference that would bring turmoil back into Indonesian football and stagnate the positive momentum built in recent times. On 10 April 2015, we informed the Honourable Minister of MENPORA of this same position.

Since our above two correspondences, several actions (see above) have been taken by MENPORA and/or KONI, which in our view places PSSI in clear violation of art. 13 and 17 of the FlEA Statutes, which obligates all FlEA Member Associations to manage their affairs independently and without influence of any third parties.

In this regard, please be informed that should all actions taken by MENPORA and/or KONI placing PSSI in violation of art. 13 and 17 of the FlEA Statutes not be withdrawn by 29 May 2015, then we will have no other option but to refer this matter to the appropriate FlEA body for an immediate suspension. Given the seriousness of this matter, we strongly recommend that you disseminate this correspondence to MENPORA and KONI as a matter of urgency and strongly encourage them to find a solution before 29 May 2015.

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